Earth auger 224cc Supplier in my account

Vinspire Agrotech Pvt Ltd is the magnificent earth auger 224 cc manufacturer in Gujarat. A power earth auger is a valuable item, especially for professionals, individuals who frequently perform landscaping tasks independently, or anyone searching for a simpler option than a shovel or post-hole digger. Anyone can utilize this equipment, from homeowners to skilled landscapers and maintenance teams. Anyone who needs a quicker, more effective way to dig post holes, add to their landscaping, or establish gardens.

Are you looking for Earth auger 224cc supplier & manufacturer in my account?

It helps to grasp how augers differ from other gardening tools to comprehend why you would require an auger. Shovels, post-hole diggers, digging bars, and other common instruments all call for a lot of arm and hand strength. Additionally, each of these items forces the user to bend over while using them, which puts a lot of strain on the back. An auger allows the user to stand upright while finishing the operation more quickly than a shovel. Less strain is imposed on the wrists and arms because the auger is designed to be held motionless as the hole is drilled. Hence we are a primary earth auger 224 cc supplier in Gujarat.

224cc earth auger can digging hole upto 20inch diameter and very robust structure with heavy gearbox. 4 handle available with machine.

Brand V-Power
Capacity 4 to 20 inches diameter hole
Model Name/Number VAPL-EA224
Power Consumption 1lit/30min
Usage/Application building hole plantation
Machine Type Semi-Automatic
Color Orange
Weight 15kg
Digging Depth 10ft
Matched Power 7.5hp
Drill Size 4 to 20inches
Engine Displacement Yes
Country of Origin Made in India
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